xkcd Time Wiki

The Tarot Cards are an incomplete set of Time-themed tarot cards created by a variety of users over the course of the thread. They often replace central images of the original cards with elements of the comic or important/significant users from the thread.

Todo: Gather up all the tarot cards and put them here.

The Major Arcana[]

Card Card design notes
III The Empress

Newpage 776

Tarot theEmpress

This card celebrates buffygirl and her wonderful Buffydashery.

IV The Emperor

Newpage 759

Tarot theEmperor KarMann, the first king of the OTT lords over the castle in this card.
XII The Hanged Bot

Newpage 717

Tarot theHangedBot Our lovely NewPixBot threatened suicide one day inspiring this card.
XVII The Star

Newpage 759

Tarot theStar In celebration of Sciscitor and his constellations of time.
XVIII The Moon

Newpage 809

Tarot Moon
This line is just here to illustrate to me how to make a link like this “We Love the Thread of Time”.
The OTT's musician yappobiscuits is the subject of this heavy metal card.

XX Judgement

Newpage 733

.Dracomax Judgement tarot Dracomax, the Inquisitor.


Card Card design notes elements
Ace of Pentacles

Newpage 788

Tarot PentaclesAce

This card celebrates Kieryn's lovely contributions.

Five of Pentacles

Newpage 780

Tarot PentaclesFive

This card marks the loss of the dilgunerrang.


Card Card design notes elements
Six of Swords

Newpage 928

Tarot swordsSix

This card celebrates the works of ergman, in particular, his beautiful sestina.


Card Card design notes elements
Two of Wands

Newpage 780

Tarot WandsTwo

This card takes note of the moment of decision to explore.
